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Heat pump: eco-efficiency, installation and expenses

What are heat pumps?

So, if you are going to provide yourself with comfort using this device, then you need to know how it will work for you.

A heat pump is a system that moves heat from the air or ground into homes using electricity. It is a versatile appliance as it can heat and cool a room. A heat pump can be compared to a refrigerator or air conditioner to understand how it works. Thus, this system extracts heat from the air, nearby water sources, geothermal energy, or waste heat from a plant, then amplifies and transfers it where needed.

The system consists of a compressor and a heat exchanger. A compressor moves refrigerant through the refrigeration cycle. The heat exchanger, in turn, extracts heat from the source. Next, the heat is transferred to the heat sink through another heat exchanger. Hydronic systems (radiators or underfloor heating) and forced air supply are used to deliver heat to the building. Also, heat pumps connected to tanks can heat water or provide hydronic flexibility.

Note: Large-scale heat pumps in district heating networks or industrial/commercial applications require higher inlet temperatures than residential buildings. Higher inlet temperatures can be sourced from wastewater, data centers, or waste heat.

Since there are different types of heat pumps, each homeowner or business can choose the one that best suits their budget and needs.

Types of heat pumps

In general, there are 4 main types of systems, which are as follows:

Ducted air-source

This heat pump can warm your home by taking heat from the outdoor air and moving it inside. It uses a system of fluids to transfer heat from one place to another. And even when it’s cold outside, there’s still heat. This system has two parts: one outside to collect the heat and one inside to release it. Also, this unit works with the same ductwork as your air conditioner and furnace.


An eco-friendly way to heat your home is a geothermal heat pump. These units use the earth’s or water’s constant temperature to collect heat. Then, they circulate this heat through underground pipes and deliver it to an indoor unit. The warm air is then distributed throughout a building.

Ductless mini-split

This system can be optimal for a small home without air ducts. It works similarly to regular air-source heat pumps. However, this system may require a few sets of indoor units for each room or area of your house. Thus, depending on the size of your home, you may need multiple outdoor units.

Gas-fired heat pump

These are a new type of heating equipment for big buildings. They work by using energy from the air outside to provide heat, hot water, or ventilation. Notably, they can produce more energy than they use. Therefore, gas-fired heat pumps are a popular choice for many commercial buildings.

Due to the specifics of each type, installation costs may vary.

Heat pump price guide

Heat pumps represent a promising way to ensure a comfortable temperature in the home, given their exceptional efficiency and reliable savings on utility bills. However, it is important to research the various features and installation costs to make an informed decision before you invest. Otherwise, you may face higher costs, an inefficient system that doesn’t meet your needs, and higher utility bills.

For a good return on investment, we recommend assessing your heating and cooling requirements, considering systems with high energy efficiency, learning about the environmental impact (if you’re green, of course), reading user reviews of several manufacturers and comparing them, and choosing trusted installers so that the installation is successful the first time (and you don’t pay twice!).

Now that you know how to make an informed decision, you can check what the heat pump cost may depend on.

The aspects determining the heat pump price

Here are some of the most critical aspects affecting the cost of heat pumps:

  • Heat pump size. The system’s capacity is measured in tons, usually from 2 to 5. Obviously, higher-ton appliances are more expensive. However, a heat pump that is too small for your space will run constantly, which leads to wear and tear and increased bills.
  • Installation. The installation costs go hand in hand with the unit price itself, so they are worth consideration. The installation cost depends, in particular, on the appliance type. Thus, ductless mini-split heat pumps are pretty cheap to install, while geothermal installations require digging over 4 feet, which incurs higher expenses.
  • Seasonal energy efficiency ratio. This indicator shows how effectively the device copes with cooling the room. Manufacturers indicate SEER in the characteristics to make the choice easier for a buyer. Since higher SEER-rated units include more sophisticated mechanisms to ensure energy efficiency, they are more expensive.
  • Heating seasonal performance ratio. A more efficient unit in terms of HSPF can reduce energy consumption compared to a less efficient one. However, heat pump prices for units with better HSPF ratings are higher, so they take longer to pay for themselves. At the same time, they can provide greater long-term savings, especially in colder climates with high heating demands.

Heat pump sizes: how to choose the right one

The heat pump size is something that you should pay attention to. As mentioned, a unit that is too small for a particular space may constantly run, which increases your utility bill. Too large, in turn, produces more energy than needed, resulting in reduced efficiency and wasted energy.

Here are the proven methods experts use for determining the appropriate unit size.

Manual J

This industry standard helps determine the most appropriate device size based on the following factors:

  1. Climate (including “heated” and “cooled” days per year)
  2. Number of windows and their location
  3. House square footage
  4. Building”s insulation quality
  5. Air leakage
  6. Preferred temperature
  7. Heat-generating appliances
  8. Number of people living in the house

Square footage

This method is much simpler because it doesn’t evaluate multiple factors like the previous one. So, according to this approach, for every 500 square feet of space, one ton of air conditioning is required. You can estimate your size right now using our chart.

A building sizeA heat pump size
500 square feet1 ton
1,000 square feet2 tons
1,500 square feet3 tons
2,000 square feet4 tons
2,500 square feet5 tons
3,000 square feet6 tons

It goes without saying that for accurate calculations, you may need the help of an HVAC specialist who will do all the on-site sizing. However, the Square footage method can serve as a rough guide for you while looking for a heat pump and trying to understand how much it will cost.

What are the most popular heat pump brands?

Now, look at the brands Canadians most often trust and learn about their functionality to make a more informed choice. Also, you can visit manufacturers’ official websites to find out prices for their heat pumps.

Bosch heat pumps


  • High-quality ducted and ductless systems
  • 4 operating modes for more user control
  • Premium inverter drive technology
  • Maximum efficiency of all models
  • Low carbon footprint


  • Pricey
  • The units come in two sizes only (2 and 5 tons)

Guarantee period: 2 years

Learn more about Bosch heat pumps

Carrier heat pumps


  • Hybrid Heat technology (good for cold climates)
  • Quiet operation
  • Large selection of models
  • Unit sizes from 1.5 tons to 5 tons (to fit homes of any size)
  • Readily available spare parts


  • Expensive
  • Error codes (can be fixed only by a technician)

Guarantee period: 10 years

Learn more about Carrier heat pumps

Daikin heat pumps


  • Connects easily to hot water tanks
  • Long life expectancy
  • Modern design
  • Smart control (via Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, and Onecta app)


  • Noisy
  • Space requirements

Guarantee period: 3 years

Learn more about Daikin heat pumps

Goodman heat pumps


  • Ultra-tech scroll compressor technology
  • Wallet-friendly solutions
  • Lifetime heat exchanger and compressor warranties
  • Compressor protection (with a crankcase heater)


  • Noisy operations
  • No high-quality models in terms of SEER ratings

Guarantee period: 10 years

Learn more about Goodman heat pumps

Fujitsu heat pumps


  • Advanced air filtration system
  • High SEER ratings
  • Quiet operation
  • Wi-Fi connectivity
  • Fast cooling and efficient heating


  • High initial investment

Guarantee period: 12 years

Learn more about Fujitsu heat pumps

Rheem heat pumps


  • Great variety of products
  • Advanced features (two-stage heating and cooling, variable-speed compressors)
  • Relatively inexpensive


  • Spare parts availability

Guarantee period: 10 years

Learn more about Rheem heat pumps

Lennox heat pumps


  • Solar support for particular models
  • Superior humidity control
  • Dual-fuel capability
  • Diagnostic control boards


  • High heat pumps prices

Guarantee period: 5 years

Learn more about Lennox heat pumps

LG heat pumps


  • LG’s proprietary R1 scroll compressor for improved efficiency
  • Lower carbon footprint
  • Low noise levels
  • Remote access control


  • Compatibility issues

Guarantee period: 5 years

Learn more about LG heat pumps

Panasonic heat pumps


  • Some models are solar-powered
  • Low carbon emission
  • Advanced inverter technology
  • Durability


  • Limited working temperature
  • Hard installation and maintenance

Guarantee period: 3-7 years

Learn more about Panasonic heat pumps

Samsung heat pumps


  • Smart monitoring system
  • Multiple fuel sources
  • Low-noise operation


  • Short guarantee

Guarantee period: 2 years

Learn more about Samsung heat pumps

As you can see, many heat pump brands are on the market, but before choosing a unit, you should read reviews, compare prices and consider your needs and budget.

How to install a heat pump safely?

Whether it’s an air source or geothermal pump, Bosch or Samsung, the system must be installed to operate as efficiently and safely as possible. It means that only a certified HVAC technician can handle this task.

Heat pumps are pretty complex mechanisms in themselves, let alone installation. For example, while ductless mini-split heat pumps seem easy to install, they require the correct electrical supply and wiring, which can be challenging for the average homeowner. Geothermal systems, in turn, require sizing and designing ductwork, digging trenches, and drilling holes for pipelines. Also, air source heat pumps must be installed in a location with sufficient airflow, meet climate and power supply requirements, and be compatible with your home’s internal heating setup. Finally, gas-fired heat pumps can only operate properly with correct electrical supply and wiring, a source of fresh air for combustion, and a safe fuel line installation.

Inadequate heating or cooling is an unpleasant consequence of incorrect installation, but it is not the worst. Specifically, you may encounter frequently recurring breakdowns, safety risks (electrical problems, gas leaks, carbon monoxide exposure), and legal issues if you ignore local building codes and regulations.

So, we recommend contacting an experienced professional for proper and safe installation.

How can you save money on installing a heat pump?

If your budget is limited, you can choose cheaper solutions, ensuring this is the best deal for your money. Also, install the system during the off-season, as this is when technicians are not that busy and therefore reduce installation costs.

How does efficiency affect the cost of a heat pump?

The answer is simple: the more energy-efficient a heat pump is, the more expensive it is. However, many people invest more than they can afford to buy an energy-efficient unit. In fact, this is a smart decision that looks to the future.

  • First, highly efficient heat pumps use less energy to maintain a comfortable climate. Consequently, your electricity or fuel consumption is reduced, and so are your utility bills.
  • Second, such devices usually include more sophisticated mechanisms and higher-quality components. So, homeowners call the experts and pay for repairs much less often.
  • Third, you reduce your environmental impact by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. While some ignore this aspect when choosing and using HVAC systems, it remains the main thing for others.
  • Finally, as home real estate buyers are increasingly interested in environmentally friendly solutions, you can increase the price of your property when selling it.

To summarize the above, it is essential to note that this is an investment with a return. Thus, you will get your money back through savings on utility bills and repairs, which cannot be said about less energy-efficient heat pumps.

Heat pump installation requirements

Each heat pump type is unique, meaning their installation requirements may vary in specific ways. However, we managed to create a list of standard requirements for all heat pumps, which are as follows:


The unit should be located near external walls so that it can be easily connected through the walls. Also, note that sunlight can harm the system. Therefore, manufacturers and technicians recommend placing the heat pump away from direct sunlight. Doing this can prevent a decrease in the device’s performance.

Flat surface

If the surface on which you will install the heat pump is uneven, then you should level it. This way, you can prevent tilting or shifting and reduce the risk of vibrations and noise during operation. This aspect is important for any typical heat pump installation.

Easy accessibility

Effortless access to the unit is more important than it might seem. For example, a specialist may need to replace components, make adjustments, or install new features over time. The easier your heat pump is to access, the faster a technician can make repairs. Moreover, the repair service will cost you less when a specialist doesn’t need to make additional efforts, which usually adds to the cost.

If you buy an expensive and energy-efficient unit and are sure it will serve for a long time without breakdowns, remember you will need regular maintenance. For this, a technician also needs to access your unit easily and quickly.

Sufficient airflow

The efficiency of a heat pump can be significantly reduced without sufficient airflow, as the system relies on heat and air energy to keep rooms at a comfortable temperature. So, if you provide enough air to the unit, you protect it from overheating, component damage, and ice and frost buildup. That is why it is essential to consider this point when installing a heat pump.

By entrusting your heat pump installation to a specialist, you don”t have to worry about meeting all those requirements. A technician will take care of everything!

Key steps and additional costs to consider when installing a heat pump

Since homes and heating systems vary, the installation procedure may vary, too. However, some stages are always part of the process, such as the following:

Stage 1: Initial assessment

Before choosing a unit, it’s important to determine which one will best meet your needs. To ensure you make the right choice, consider contacting experienced HVAC experts. They can assess your home, climate, and energy needs in detail and recommend the ideal heat pump system. Moreover, they can make recommendations to simplify installation and improve a heat pump’s efficiency, including replacing the radiators in your home with larger ones, improving the insulation, or getting planning permission.

Stage 2: Choosing a heat pump

Once you have received recommendations from an expert, it is time to choose a unit. Whatever budget you allocate for this, you will have several options within that budget. We recommend that you carefully read the characteristics of heat pumps you consider, pay attention to the warranty period, and check what users say about the manufacturers. Overall, the ideal option would be the most reliable and energy-efficient solution within your budget.

Stage 3: Installing the inside unit

As a rule, heat pump installations start with placing the indoor unit on an external wall and attaching it to a bracket. Installers drill a hole in the wall to bring pipes and cables out, which are then connected to an external unit.

Stage 4: Installing the outside unit

This stage largely depends on the unit type you are installing. So, if this is an air source heat pump, installers can only attach the external unit using anti-vibration feet. However, if you have a geothermal heat pump, the process involves extensive excavation and pipe laying.

Stage 5: Testing

Finally, after ensuring the indoor and outdoor units are securely installed, the heat pump installer connects them together and then to your heating. After this, specialists conduct thorough testing to check whether everything works correctly and safely.

Whether you want to install a heat pump in the basement or attic, the unit will only work effectively if professionally installed.

Additional installation costs

You may encounter additional costs beyond the initial purchase and installation fees. They may arise from the following:

  • Ductwork. If your ducts need updating or you don’t have any at all, you’ll have to take care of this issue before installing a heat pump.
  • Permits. In many states, citizens can only install or replace heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems with special permits to avoid run-ins with the law. Obtaining these permits incurs additional costs.
  • Residential connection. Connecting your unit to public utilities can also cost several hundred dollars.
  • Thermostat. Only those replacing an outdated heating or cooling system may need a new thermostat.
  • Solar panels. You should install solar panels if you choose a solar heat pump. The cost may depend on energy goals, system size, and location.

Investing in a heat pump and installation may require significant expenses, but the benefits it brings are precious.

Costs to replace an existing heat pump

If your heat pump stops working, it could be due to various reasons, including refrigerant depletion or component problems. It is important to check the warranty and contact an HVAC professional for repairs. Note that replacement of the entire system may be required. This procedure can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $15,000, depending on the system’s type, size and characteristics.

In addition, remember that heat pump replacement prices in Canada may entail replacing your furnace or air handler system. Otherwise, system compatibility may be compromised, resulting in poor performance. While this step can significantly impact replacement costs, you can’t skip it.

Operating a heat pump in cold conditions

Heat pumps require certain conditions to provide heat to a room. For example, the refrigerant temperature must be significantly lower than the outside air temperature. Therefore, the lower the temperature, the more intensively the unit works to generate heat. And when the temperature drops below a certain threshold, the heat pump loses efficiency. But does this mean you cannot use this device if you live in a frigid climate? Fortunately, you can!

Cold climate heat pumps use innovative features like cold-weather refrigerants, variable compressors, and engineering optimizations to operate efficiently at temperatures below -20°F. These improvements can significantly reduce energy bills even in frigid winters.

How to choose a heat pump depending on climatic conditions?

Since the temperature and humidity levels outside directly impact the heat pump’s performance, the climate factor is really important to consider.

For example, if you live in a region with a mild climate, then an air-source heat pump may be your most effective choice. Since this unit operates on outside air as a heat source, temperatures above freezing are ideal for it. For regions with cooler temperatures, you can consider geothermal heat pumps, which extract heat from the ground where temperatures are relatively stable throughout all seasons.

The next factor is the humidity level. If you live in a highly humid region, you need a heat pump with a dehumidification function. Thus, such a device will improve air quality and prevent mould growth. Heat pumps are designed to operate efficiently in any weather conditions. So, if you choose wisely, you can rely on your unit to perform optimally.

Comparison of a heat pump with other heating methods

Deciding between a heat pump system installation and other heating methods can take time and effort. To simplify the process, we invite you to check the most significant benefits of a heat pump over other solutions.


Unlike a furnace, a heat pump is a year-round solution. To be more precise, it can both cool and heat homes, which is easier (no other HVAC units needed) and more cost-effective for a homeowner.


Compared to alternatives, heat pumps run on renewable energy and many people choose pump heating installations due to this factor. Consequently, their units emit much less CO2.


As mentioned, a heat pump is a significant investment. However, unlike cheaper alternatives, this unit can reduce energy consumption for heating by up to 50%. As a result, your heating bills are much lower than if you used electric and gas heating.

Factors affecting the lifespan of a heat pump

While a heat pump can last up to 20 years, several factors can affect the unit’s lifespan in one way or another.

  • Quality of installation — the more reliably and safely you install your new heat pump, the less susceptible it is to breakdowns.
  • Frequency of use — as with any other appliance, the more intensively a heat pump is used, the faster it wears out.
  • Environmental factors — extremely high humidity, extreme temperatures, or heavy rainfall cause the device to age.
  • Heat pump size — the more inappropriately sized the unit is installed in your home, the quicker it wears out by working hard to produce heat.
  • Quality of heat pump components — as a rule, products from more well-known and expensive brands last longer because they use only reliable and durable components.

If you live in extreme weather conditions or already know your heat pump needs to run almost 24/7 when you install it, there is no need to worry that your unit will only last a few years. After all, a fail-safe way to extend its life is to take responsibility for regular maintenance by certified specialists.

Everyone knows that whatever the problem, its timely identification is already half the solution. So, for example, if your system was installed incorrectly, a specialist will detect this during the first maintenance and take action. Also, if your heat pump operates in long cycles, a specialist will check how this affects the mechanisms and prevent severe breakdowns.

Environmental benefits of a heat pump compared to alternatives

As mentioned, heat pumps offer many advantages over other methods of providing a comfortable temperature.

For example, these devices provide the same heat or cooling with significantly lower energy consumption than gas boilers. Also, compared to gas or oil heating systems, renewable energy can power heat pumps, significantly reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

Furthermore, a heat pump transfers heat rather than burns it, which has a smaller impact on climate change. Finally, the unit’s ability to operate on various energy sources, including electricity, geothermal heat or solar energy, allows you to choose cleaner energy sources.

To sum it up, heat pumps are ahead of alternatives regarding environmental friendliness!

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