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How to clean a condenser coil in your AC unit?

cleaning ac condenser coils

Your air conditioning system’s outdoor condenser coil maintains optimal cooling performance and energy efficiency. Over time, dirt, debris, and grime can build up on these coils, impeding heat transfer and reducing the air conditioner’s overall efficiency. Regular maintenance and cleaning of the condenser coils are essential to ensure maximum performance and extend the life of your cooling system.

The main stages of cleaning the AC condenser coils

Before you begin cleaning your condenser coils, ensure that the power to the AC unit is turned off to prevent any accidents or injuries. Additionally, wear appropriate safety gear such as gloves and eye protection.

  • Remove any debris. Start by removing visible debris, such as leaves, twigs, and grass clippings, from the outside of the condenser unit. Use a soft brush or a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to dislodge and remove the build-up gently.
  • Use a suitable cleaner. Look for a specialized air conditioner condenser coil cleaner that is designed to penetrate and dissolve stubborn deposits without harming the coil or surrounding components. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully when using the product.
  • Apply the cleaner. Apply coil cleaner to the entire surface of the condenser coils, ensuring thorough coverage. Allow the cleaner to penetrate the coils for the recommended time to break up dirt and debris.
  • Rinse it thoroughly. Rinse the condenser coils thoroughly with a gentle stream of water from a garden hose. Direct the water flow from inside to outside to effectively wash away loose particles and residue. Do not use excessive water pressure, which could bend or damage the delicate fins of the heat exchanger.
  • Inspect the coil. Once the heat exchangers are clean, visually inspect them for any signs of damage or corrosion. Allow the coils to air dry completely before restoring power to the unit and switching it back on.

clean condenser coil ac

How often should you clean condenser coils?

We recommend cleaning your AC condenser coils at least once a year to maintain optimal performance and efficiency. However, if you live in a region with heavy pollen, dust, or debris, more frequent cleaning may be necessary to prevent buildup and ensure uninterrupted operation.

Should you find the task of cleaning your condenser coils daunting or would prefer professional assistance, contact a professional cleaning service specializing in air conditioning maintenance. Our technicians have the knowledge, tools and experience to ensure that your condenser coils are thoroughly cleaned and running optimally.

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